1. Basic Dataset Protocol (General Practitioner)
1.1. Overview
1.1.1. Contact
Healthconnect <support@healthconnect.be>
1.1.2. Revisions
01/01/2014 (1.0) : initial version
01/04/2016 (1.1) : added 2 parameters GLY and TEMP (ZNA e-consult)
14/09/2016 (1.2) : added employer contactperson, employer prevention service contact details, insurability (Reintegration project)
23/02/2017 (1.3) : added EID-NO patient, KMEHR set to 1.18, BDS version added , cleanup application, contact added (UZ-Brussel)
09/05/2017 (1.4) : added laboratory results, careplansubscription (Healthdata)
1.1.3. Description
The basic dataset protocol (BDS) is used to transfer data from the integrating system (EMD) to eForms.
Currently the following information can be specified in the dataset:
Administrative information : sender, recipient, patient, sending application
Active and passive diagnoses (cd-item→healthcareelement)
Active and passive treatments (cd-item→treatment)
Active and passive medication (cd-item→medication)
Social risks (cd-item→socialrisk)
Family risks (cd-item→familyrisk)
Vaccination (cd-item→vaccine)
Adverse drug reaction (cd-item→adr)
Allergy (cd-item→allergy)
Parameters (cd-item→parameter): see parameter table for allowed values
GMD manager (cd-item→gmdmanager)
Employer contact details (cd-item→contactperson(employer)
Employer Prevention service contact details (cd-item→contactperson(employerpreventionservice)
Insurability (cd-item→insurancystatus)
Laboratory results (cd-item→lab): see laboratory result table for allowed values
Carepaths (cd-item→careplansubscription)
Last patient contact (cd-transaction-eforms). In case there are multiple contacts, the first contact will be used.
All possibilities of the contact transaction are supported, except for binary attachments.
Code | Meaning |
weight |
weight |
bmi |
sbp |
systolic blood pressure |
dbp |
diastolic blood pressure |
pulsecharacter |
character of pulse |
heartrate |
heart rate |
pulsecharacter |
character of pulse |
peakflow |
peak flow |
gpa |
headcircumference |
head circumference |
hipcircumference |
hip circumference |
apgar |
katz |
katz |
belrai |
belrai |
tmp |
temparature |
gly |
blood sugar |
Laboratory results
Result |
HbA1C |
Blood lipids |
Renal function parameters |
Microalbumin |
Blood hemoglobin |
Creatinine |
eGFR |
ratio microalbumin/creatinin |
1.1.4. Owner
1.2. KMEHR
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kmehrmessage xmlns="http://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/kmehr/schema/v1">
<cd S="CD-STANDARD" SV="1.18">20160601</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">a99de341-417b-47da-9ff0-bcfd592caf37</id>
<!-- The sender -->
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">41161652401</id>
<id S="INSS" SV="1.0">79070436460</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.6">persphysician</cd>
<familyname>Met Alle Rechten</familyname>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">phone</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">email</cd>
<!-- The application generating the data -->
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">application</cd>
<name>CareConnect 2.8</name>
<!-- Recipient -->
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">14032237</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">persphysician</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<!-- The patient -->
<!-- INSS number -->
<id S="ID-PATIENT" SV="1.2">79070430027</id>
<!-- EID cardno-->
<id S="EID-CARDNO" SV="1.0">563-1544395-45</id>
<id S="LOCAL" SV="1.0">79</id>
<cd S="CD-SEX" SV="1.0">male</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">home</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
<street>Rue de vitess</street>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">home</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">phone</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">home</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">email</cd>
<!-- Patient basic dataset -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<!-- BDS transacion -->
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.4" SL="CD-TRANSACTION-EFORMS">gpdataset</cd>
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">41161652401</id>
<id S="INSS" SV="1.0">79070436460</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.6">persphysician</cd>
<familyname>Met Alle Rechten</familyname>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">phone</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">email</cd>
<!-- Patient GMD Manager -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">gmdmanager</cd>
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">41161652401</id>
<id S="INSS" SV="1.0">79070436460</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.6">persphysician</cd>
<familyname>Met Alle Rechten</familyname>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
<street>Groenplaats 3</street>
<housenumber />
<postboxnumber />
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">phone</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">email</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<!-- Employer contact -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">contactperson</cd>
<!-- KBO -->
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">301020200</id>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0">employer</cd>
<name>employer name</name>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">other</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">other</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">mobile</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">other</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">fax</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">other</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">email</cd>
<!-- Prevention service -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">3</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">contactperson</cd>
<!-- KBO -->
<id SV="1.0" S="ID-HCPARTY">2111212122</id>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0">preventionservice</cd>
<name>prevention service name</name>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">other</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">mobile</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">other</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">fax</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">other</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">email</cd>
<!-- Patient Insurability -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">4</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.2">insurancystatus</cd>
<id S="ID-INSURANCE" SV="1.0">302</id>
<!-- Healthcare elements -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">5</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">healthcareelement</cd>
<text L="NL">type II diabetes</text>
<cd S="CD-CLINICAL" SV="1.0">10116023</cd>
<cd S="ICD" SV="10">E14</cd>
<cd S="ICPC" SV="2">T90</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<!-- allergy -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">6</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">allergy</cd>
<text L="NL">codeïne fosfaat</text>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<!-- Adverse drug reaction -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">7</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">adr</cd>
<text L="NL">Zwak werkzame preparaten</text>
<cd S="CD-ATC" SV="2">D07AA02</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<!-- Medication product-->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">8</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">medication</cd>
<text L="nl">SIMVASTATINE EG</text>
<intendedcd S="CD-DRUG-CNK" SV="1.0">2371789</intendedcd>
<intendedname>SIMVASTATINE EG</intendedname>
<cd S="CD-ATC" SV="2011.0">C10AA01</cd>
<text L="nl">1 tablet 1 x per dag; 7 dag/7 dag</text>
<!-- Medication substance -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">9</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">medication</cd>
<text L="NL">benzylpenicilline injectie/infusie 2 000 000 IE</text>
<intendedcd S="CD-INNCLUSTER" SV="20100701">3327</intendedcd>
<intendedname>benzylpenicilline injectie/infusie 2 000 000 IE</intendedname>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<cd S="CD-TEMPORALITY" SV="1.0">acute</cd>
<text L="NL">1xdag</text>
<!-- vaccination -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">10</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">vaccine</cd>
<cd S="CD-VACCINEINDICATION" SV="1.0">papillomavirus</cd>
<intendedcd S="CD-DRUG-CNK" SV="20100701">3147410</intendedcd>
<intendedname>Cervarix (PIP) inj. susp. i.m. [voorgev. spuit] 1x 0,5ml</intendedname>
<cd S="CD-ATC" SV="1.2">Z</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">11</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">vaccine</cd>
<cd S="CD-VACCINEINDICATION" SV="1.0">hib</cd>
<intendedcd S="CD-DRUG-CNK" SV="20100701">0320879</intendedcd>
<intendedname>Act-Hib inj. oploss. i.m. [flac.+voorgev. spuit] 1dos.</intendedname>
<cd S="CD-ATC" SV="1.2">J07AG01</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<!-- risks -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">12</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">socialrisk</cd>
<text L="NL">probleem met werk</text>
<cd S="ICPC" SV="2">Z05</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">13</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">familyrisk</cd>
<cd S="CD-CLINICAL" SV="1.0">10075194</cd>
<cd S="ICD" SV="10">H57.8</cd>
<cd S="ICPC" SV="2">F02</cd>
<cd S="CD-CONTACT-PERSON" SV="1.0">mother</cd>
<text L="NL">rood oog</text>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<!-- Laboratory result -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">14</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">lab</cd>
<cd S="CD-LAB" SV="1.0">11559-2</cd>
<cd S="CD-UNIT" SV="1.0">g/dl</cd>
<!-- care path -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">15</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">careplansubscription</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SL="CD-CAREPATH" SV="1.2">002</cd>
<text L="NL">this is the careplane description</text>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<!-- Parameters -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">16</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-PARAMETER" SV="1.0">sbp</cd>
<cd S="CD-UNIT" SV="1.0">mmhg</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">17</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-PARAMETER" SV="1.0">dbp</cd>
<cd S="CD-UNIT" SV="1.0">mmhg</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">18</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-PARAMETER" SV="1.0">heartrate</cd>
<cd S="CD-UNIT" SV="1.0">bitperminute</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">19</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-PARAMETER" SV="1.0">weight</cd>
<cd S="CD-UNIT" SV="1.0">kg</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">20</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-PARAMETER" SV="1.0">height</cd>
<cd S="CD-UNIT" SV="1.0">cm</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">21</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-PARAMETER" SV="1.0">bmi</cd>
<cd S="CD-UNIT" SV="1.0">kg/m2</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<!-- treatments -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">22</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">treatment</cd>
<text L="NL">Watkins operatie</text>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<!-- Last patient contact -->
<!-- This will be used because it is the first contact -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">3</id>
<!-- BDS transacion + Version -->
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="CD-TRANSACTION-EFORMS">contact</cd>
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">15858523580</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">persphysician</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">transactionreason</cd>
<text L="NL">this is the reason 1</text>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">complaint</cd>
<text L="NL">this is the complaint 1</text>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">3</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">clinical</cd>
<text L="NL">this is the clinical result 1</text>
<!-- This will not be used because it is the second contact -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">4</id>
<!-- BDS transacion + Version -->
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="CD-TRANSACTION-EFORMS">contact</cd>
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">15858523580</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">persphysician</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">transactionreason</cd>
<text L="NL">this is the reason 2</text>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">complaint</cd>
<text L="NL">this is the complaint 2</text>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">3</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">clinical</cd>
<text L="NL">this is the clinical result 2</text>
2. Basic Dataset Protocol (Dentist)
2.1. Overview
2.1.1. Contact
Healthconnect <support@healthconnect.be>
2.1.2. Description
The basic dataset protocol (BDS) is used to transfer data from the integrating system (EMD) to eForms.
Currently the following information can be specified in the dataset:
Administrative information : sender, recipient, patient, sending application
2.1.3. Owner
2.2. KMEHR
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kmehrmessage xmlns="http://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/kmehr/schema/v1">
<cd S="CD-STANDARD" SV="1.18">20160601</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">a99de341-417b-47da-9ff0-bcfd592caf37</id>
<!-- The sender -->
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">41161652401</id>
<id S="INSS" SV="1.0">79070436460</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.6">persphysician</cd>
<familyname>Met Alle Rechten</familyname>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">phone</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">email</cd>
<!-- The application generating the data -->
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">application</cd>
<name>CareConnect 2.8</name>
<!-- Recipient -->
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">14032237</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">persphysician</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<!-- The patient -->
<!-- INSS number -->
<id S="ID-PATIENT" SV="1.2">79070430027</id>
<!-- EID cardno-->
<id S="EID-CARDNO" SV="1.0">563-1544395-45</id>
<id S="LOCAL" SV="1.0">79</id>
<cd S="CD-SEX" SV="1.0">male</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">home</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
<street>Rue de vitess</street>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">home</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">phone</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">home</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">email</cd>
3. Covid vaccination barometer
This form captures the result of a biweekly AUDIT in your general practice.
With the help of these 49 figures we get a view of the COVID-19 vaccination progress in your practice.
Combined with the data from other practices, we get a total view of the vaccination coverage in your region.
These data are used to further refine the COVID-19 vaccination policy.
The COVID-19-VACCINATION-BAROMETER document can be prefilled using the following JSON:
"EHR": "CareConnect GP",
"numberOfPatientsWithCMR": "2000",
"patientsAbove65": {
"total": "200",
"vaccinatedOnce": "50",
"vaccinatedCompletely": "40"
"patients45To64WithRisk": {
"total": "200",
"vaccinatedOnce": "50",
"vaccinatedCompletely": "40"
"patients18To44WithRisk": {
"total": "200",
"vaccinatedOnce": "50",
"vaccinatedCompletely": "40"
"patients45To64NoRisk": {
"total": "200",
"vaccinatedOnce": "50",
"vaccinatedCompletely": "40"
"patients18To44NoRisk": {
"total": "200",
"vaccinatedOnce": "50",
"vaccinatedCompletely": "40"
"patients12To17": {
"total": "200",
"vaccinatedOnce": "50",
"vaccinatedCompletely": "40"
"patients05To11": {
"total": "200",
"vaccinatedOnce": "50",
"vaccinatedCompletely": "40"
"patientsIncreasedCompensation": {
"total": "200",
"vaccinatedOnce": "50",
"vaccinatedCompletely": "40"
"patientsDiabetes": {
"total": "200",
"vaccinatedOnce": "50",
"vaccinatedCompletely": "40"
"patientsKidneyCondition": {
"total": "200",
"vaccinatedOnce": "50",
"vaccinatedCompletely": "40"
"patientsLungCondition": {
"total": "200",
"vaccinatedOnce": "50",
"vaccinatedCompletely": "40"
"patientsLiverCondition": {
"total": "200",
"vaccinatedOnce": "50",
"vaccinatedCompletely": "40"
"patientsCardiovascularCondition": {
"total": "200",
"vaccinatedOnce": "50",
"vaccinatedCompletely": "40"
"patientsObesity": {
"total": "200",
"vaccinatedOnce": "50",
"vaccinatedCompletely": "40"
"patientsNeurologicalCondition": {
"total": "200",
"vaccinatedOnce": "50",
"vaccinatedCompletely": "40"
"patientsCancer": {
"total": "200",
"vaccinatedOnce": "50",
"vaccinatedCompletely": "40"
The dataset can be uploaded in the same way as the Basic Data Set.
The dataset is interpreted by using the content type: application/vnd.healthconnect.eforms.covid-vaccination-barometer.prefill.v1+json
POST /cloud/api/v1/forms/HVAXL/data-set HTTP/1.1
Accept-Language: nl-BE
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0NzE5MDAy...
Accept: text/plain
Content-Type: application/vnd.healthconnect.eforms.covid-vaccination-barometer.prefill.v1+json;charset=UTF-8
Host: e-forms.be
Content-Length: 2337
"EHR": "CareConnect GP",
"numberOfPatientsWithCMR": "2000",
"patientsAbove65": {
"total": "200",
"vaccinatedOnce": "50",
"vaccinatedCompletely": "40"
4. EWZC Tranfer Protocol
4.1. Overview
4.1.3. Description
The eWZC project supports patients of retirement homes or home services. It allows caregivers and retirement homes to send detailed and accurate data to the party taking care of the patient. It identifies 2 flows:
patient transfer from retirement home to a hospital.
liason information given by the treating general practitioner after a visit to the patient in the retirement home.
This document describes the structure of the KMEHR and how it needs to be passed on via eHealthBox.
4.1.4. Owner
Woonzorgcentrum Dijlehof (http://www.dijlehof.be)
Woonzorgcentrum St. Bernardus (http://www.stbernardus.be)
4.2. KMEHR
The EWZC KMEHR is composed out of three transactions : SUMEHR,NOTIFICATION and NOTE. Kmehr level 4 is required for both transactions.
Only exceptions on the KMEHR standard in context for this specific protocol are mentioned.
item type | occurences | description |
sender |
1 |
hcparty elements of the sending healthcare party. A mandatory hcparty element of type application should be added with the software name and version of |
recipient |
1..* |
hcparty element with the receiving healthcare party |
folder.patient |
1 |
Patient identified with INSS and EWZC-PATIENT-ID |
item type | occurences | description |
sumehr.author |
1 |
Describes the author of the transaction. This author must be a health care professional. It is usually a general practitioner. |
sumehr.item.healthcarelement |
0..* |
Specifies either a 'current problem' or a 'relevant passive care element'. |
sumehr.item.treatment |
0..* |
Proposed treatment other than pharmaceutical |
sumehr.item.parameter |
0..* |
Measurable parameters |
sumehr.item.adr |
0..* |
Specifies a risk relative to a an adverse drug reaction. |
sumehr.item.risk |
0..* |
Specifies other risk factors. |
sumehr.item.medication |
0..* |
Specifies a patient’s medication. |
item type | occurences | description | example |
note.item.contactperson |
1 |
The contact person for this patient. |
note.item.contactperson (cd = [EWZC-CONTACT-PERSON]) |
1 |
The legal representative contact of the patient. |
note.item.healthcareelement (with content cd CD-SNOMED 371538006) |
1 |
true/false and where to find written intent |
note.item.healthcareelement (with content cd CD-SNOMED 273617000) |
1 |
No mmse = not available or the mmse score ranging from 1 - 30 |
note.item.healthcareelement (with content cd CD-SNOMED 439272007) |
1 |
date of procedure |
note.item.parameter (with content cd CD-SNOMED 426794005) |
1 |
KATZ score 1-4 : oriented to time |
note.item.parameter (with content cd CD-SNOMED 427161009) |
1 |
KATZ score 1-4 : oriented to place |
note.item.healthcareelement (with conent cd CD-SNOMED 284504009) |
1 |
Text: Difficult to manage behavior |
note.item.healthcareelement (with content cd CD-SNOMED 1431002) |
1 |
boolean : fixation needed? |
note.item.healthcareelement (with content cd CD-SNOMED 465230007) |
1 |
text: fixation tools |
note.item.parameter (with content cd CD-SNOMED 286852005) |
1 |
KATZ 1-4: washing self |
note.item.parameter (with content cd CD-SNOMED 313332003) |
1 |
KATZ 1-4: Ability to dress |
note.item.parameter (with content cd CD-SNOMED 171301009) |
1 |
KATZ 1-4: Ability to move |
note.item.healthcareelement (with content cd CD-SNOMED 243751002) |
1 |
text: Mobility aid |
note.item.parameter (with content cd CD-SNOMED 266826009) |
1 |
KATZ 1-4: Incontinence |
note.item.healthcareelement (with content cd CD-SNOMED 414191008) |
1 |
Boolean : Fall risk |
note.item.healthcareelement (with content cd CD-SNOMED 257192006) |
1 |
Text: Vision aid |
note.item.healthcareelement (with content cd CD-SNOMED 6012004) |
1 |
Text: Hearing device |
note.item.healthcareelement ( cd = [EWZC-WILL]) |
1 |
true/false and where to find the negative will. |
note.item.healthcareelement ( cd = [EWZC-WILL]) |
1 |
true/false and where to find the negative will. |
4.3. eHealthbox Message
4.3.2. Addressee
The ehealthbox receiver can be any hospital
4.3.3. Metadata
The message should be constructed using the following additional metadata :
Description |
the type of the eForm (always EWZCTRANSFER) |
HC-FunctionalType |
the functional type of the first attachment |
HC-FunctionalType-X |
the functional type of attachment X |
HC-AttachmentFilename |
filename.ext |
the filename of the first attachment |
HC-AttachmentFilename-X |
filename.ext |
the filename of attachment X |
4.3.4. Patient
Add the patient with INSS identifier to the message.
4.3.5. Attachments
All attachments should be added as binary content to the message
The following attachment should be added to the message :
First attachment with name form-data.xml. This is the form KMEHR XML, the functional type should be EFORMS
Second attachment with name <form_id>.pdf . This is the form PDF representation, the functional type should be EFORMS-ATTACHMENT (See PDF rendering)
Other attachments added to the form by the sender with functional type EFORMS-ATTACHMENT
4.4. Examples
4.4.1. KMEHR
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kmehrmessage xmlns="http://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/kmehr/schema/v1">
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">10830643004</id>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="Woonzorgcentrum" L="nl" SL="EWZC-HCPARTY"/>
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0"/>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">application</cd>
<name>Geracc 4.4</name>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<id S="ID-PATIENT" SV="1.0">53033104166</id>
<id S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="EWZC-PATIENT-ID">1231211</id>
<cd S="CD-SEX" SV="1.0">male</cd>
<cd S="CD-CIVILSTATE" SV="1.0"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-TRANSACTION" SV="1.2">notification</cd>
<cd S="CD-TRANSACTION-TYPE" SV="1.2">transferdocument</cd>
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">10830643004</id>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">contactperson</cd>
<cd S="CD-CONTACT-PERSON" SV="1.0"/>
<id S="INSS" SV="1.0"/>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">phone</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">mobile</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.3">contactperson</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.2" DN="The legal representative of the patient" SL="EWZC-CONTACT-PERSON">legalrepresentative</cd>
<id S="INSS" SV="1.0"/>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">phone</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">mobile</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="EWZC-HEADING" DN="Care information" L="en">CareInformation</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="EWZC-HEADING" DN="Zorginformatie" L="nl">CareInformation</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="EWZC-HEADING" DN="The psychic functioning" L="en">PsychicFunctioning</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="mini-mental state examination">273617000</cd>
<cd S="UCUM" SV="1.0">MMSE</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="Date of procedure" L="en">439272007</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">3</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-PARAMETER" SV="1.7">KATZ</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="oriented to time">426794005</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">4</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-PARAMETER" SV="1.7">KATZ</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="oriented to place">427161009</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">5</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="difficult to manage behavior" L="en">284504009</cd>
<text L="nl"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">6</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="fixation needed?" L="en">1431002</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">7</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="fixation tools" L="en">465230007</cd>
<text L="nl"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="EWZC-HEADING" DN="The functional state description" L="en">FunctionalState</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-PARAMETER" SV="1.7">KATZ</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="washing self" L="en">286852005</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-PARAMETER" SV="1.7">KATZ</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="Ability to dress" L="en">313332003</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">3</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-PARAMETER" SV="1.7">KATZ</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="Ability to move" L="en">171301009</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">4</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="Mobility aid" L="en">243751002</cd>
<text L="nl"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">5</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-PARAMETER" SV="1.7">KATZ</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="Incontinence" L="en">266826009</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">6</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="Fall risk" L="en">414191008</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">7</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="Vision aid" L="en">257192006</cd>
<text L="nl"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">8</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="Hearing device" L="en">6012004</cd>
<text L="en"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">3</id>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="EWZC-HEADING" DN="The nutritions description" L="en">Nutrition</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="Diet" L="en">41829006</cd>
<text L="nl"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="Dental Prothese" L="en">27606000</cd>
<text L="nl"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">3</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="swallowhandicap" L="en">288936000</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">4</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="thickened fluids diet" L="en">226213003</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">5</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="EWZC-NUTRITION" DN="Food grindage" L="en">228055009</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">6</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="gavage" L="en">61420007</cd>
<text L="nl"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">7</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="oral nutrition" L="en">26643006</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">8</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="food refusal" L="en">105481005</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">9</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-PARAMETER" SV="1.7">KATZ</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="Eating assistance" L="en">165221002</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">4</id>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="EWZC-HEADING" DN="The medications description" L="en">Medication</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="medicationIntakeAssistance" L="en">129019007</cd>
<text L="nl"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="EWZC-HEADING" DN="Medical information" L="en">MedicalInformation</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.2">contacthcparty</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="referring physisian" L="en">129019007</cd>
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0"/>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.1">persphysician</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">phone</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">mobile</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.2">contacthcparty</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="general practitioner" L="en">62247001</cd>
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0"/>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.1">persphysician</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">phone</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">mobile</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">3</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.2">contacthcparty</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="department in retirement home" L="en">397670001</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="Department inside retirement Home" L="en" SL="EWZC-HCPARTY"/>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">phone</cd>
<id S="INSS" SV="1.0"/>
<familyname>do not use</familyname>
<cd S="CD-SEX" SV="1.0">unknown</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="EWZC-HEADING" DN="The History description" L="en">History</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="Important medical history" L="en">417662000</cd>
<text L="nl"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="allergies" L="en">408439002</cd>
<text L="nl"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">3</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="medication treatment" L="en">18629005</cd>
<lnk TYPE="multimedia" SIZE="">attachmentb64medicationattachmen</lnk>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">4</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="dementia" L="en">52448006</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">5</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="Transfer Reason" L="en">28260004</cd>
<text L="nl"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="EWZC-HEADING" DN="The CareAgreements" L="en">CareAgreements</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="Written Intent" SL="EWZC-WILL" L="en">DECLARATION-OF-INTENT</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="Geschreven wilsverklaring" SL="EWZC-WILL" L="nl">DECLARATION-OF-INTENT</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="Advance directive" L="en">371538006</cd>
<text L="nl"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">8</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="Negative will" SL="EWZC-WILL" L="en">NEGATIVE-WILL</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="Negatieve wilsverklaring" SL="EWZC-WILL" L="nl">NEGATIVE-WILL</cd>
<text L="nl"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">agreedtreatment</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="Do everything" SL="EWZC-AGREEDTREATMENT" L="en">A</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="Alles doen" SL="EWZC-AGREEDTREATMENT" L="nl">A</cd>
<text L="nl"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">3</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">agreedtreatment</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="Maintenance of functions" SL="EWZC-AGREEDTREATMENT" L="en">B</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="Behoud van functies" SL="EWZC-AGREEDTREATMENT" L="nl">B</cd>
<text L="nl"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">4</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">agreedtreatment</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="comfort care" SL="EWZC-AGREEDTREATMENT" L="en">C</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="comfortzorg" SL="EWZC-AGREEDTREATMENT" L="nl">C</cd>
<text L="nl"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">6</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">agreedtreatment</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="terminal phase comfort care" SL="EWZC-AGREEDTREATMENT" L="en">CTF</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="comfortzorg terminale fase" SL="EWZC-AGREEDTREATMENT" L="nl">CTF</cd>
<text L="nl"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">7</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">agreedtreatment</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="other treatment limitation" SL="EWZC-AGREEDTREATMENT" L="en">GENERIC</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="andere behandelbeperking" SL="EWZC-AGREEDTREATMENT" L="nl">GENERIC</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="EWZC-DNR" DN="DNR code" L="nl"/>
<text L="nl"/>
<text L="nl"/>
<lnk TYPE="multimedia" SIZE="">photobas</lnk>
5. Handicare Medical Questionaire Protocol
5.1. Overview
5.1.3. Description
Civilians can apply for several types of recognitions, allowances, certificates and a disability parking card at the Federal Public Service Social Security (FPS SS).
In order to treat these applications the FPS SS sends a Request For Information (RFI) to the treating physician’s eHealthBox. The Handicare form supports general practitioners to pass on the requested information of the patient. The data will be passed on in a structured format (KMEHR) and PDF to the FPS SS.
This document describes the structure of the KMEHR and how it needs to be passed on via eHealthBox.
5.1.4. Owner
Handicare - FOD Sociale Zekerheid
5.2. KMEHR
The handicare KMEHR is composed out of two transactions : SUMEHR and NOTE. Kmehr level 4 is required for both transactions.
Only exceptions on the KMEHR standard in context for this specific protocol are mentioned.
item type | occurences | description |
sender |
1 |
hcparty elements of the sending healthcare party. A mandatory hcparty element of type application should be added with the software name and version of |
recipient |
1..* |
hcparty element with the receiving healthcare party |
folder.patient |
1 |
Patient identified with INSS |
item type | occurences | description |
sumehr.author |
1 |
Describes the author of the transaction. This author must be a health care professional. It is usually a general practitioner. |
sumehr.item.healthcarelement |
0..* |
Specifies either a 'current problem' or a 'relevant passive care element'. |
sumehr.item.treatment |
0..* |
Proposed treatment other than pharmaceutical |
sumehr.item.parameter |
0..* |
Measurable parameters |
sumehr.item.adr |
0..* |
Specifies a risk relative to a an adverse drug reaction. |
sumehr.item.risk |
0..* |
Specifies other risk factors. |
sumehr.item.medication |
0..* |
Specifies a patient’s medication. |
item type |
occurences |
description |
note.item.healthissue |
0..* |
Describes a healthissue with a cd item of the codifications described in [HCA-NOTE] local code dictionary.Each parameter type should occur maximum once. |
note.item.parameter |
0..* |
Describes a parameter with a cd item of the codifications described in [CD-SNOMED] local code dictionary. Each parameter type should occur maximum once. |
5.3. eHealthbox Message
5.3.1. Subject
The subject should be one of the following strings:
"Evaluatie van de handicap FOD Sociale Zekerheid"
"Evaluation du handicap SPF Sécurité sociale"
5.3.2. Addressee
The ehealthbox receiver address of DGHAN is: 0367303366-institution
5.3.3. Metadata
The message should be constructed using the following additional metadata :
Description |
the type of the eForm (always HANDCARE) |
RFI-id |
RFI-id value on the form (text) |
RFI-id value on the form |
HC-FunctionalType |
the functional type of the first attachment |
HC-FunctionalType-X |
the functional type of attachment X |
HC-AttachmentFilename |
filename.ext |
the filename of the first attachment |
HC-AttachmentFilename-X |
filename.ext |
the filename of attachment X |
5.3.4. Patient
Add the patient with INSS to the message.
5.3.5. Attachments
All attachments should be added as binary content to the message
The following attachment should be added to the message :
First attachment with name form-data.xml. This is the form KMEHR XML, the functional type should be EFORMS
Second attachment with name <form_id>.pdf . This is the form PDF representation, the functional type should be EFORMS-ATTACHMENT (See PDF rendering)
Other attachments should be added using the rules described in the table below.
When particular diagnoses are added to the form, specific reports should be added. E.g when a diagnose is added with ICD Cxxx, an oncology report should be added.
ICD | Rule | Report to add |
Cxxx |
If available |
Joindre un bilan de l’oncologue |
Mxxx |
If available |
Joindre les protocoles les plus récents d’imagerie médicale, rapports les plus récents orthopédiques… au formulaire |
Fxxxx |
If available and age > 21 |
Joindre les rapports d’hospitalisation, de spécialistes au formulaire |
Fxxxx |
If available and age < 21 |
Joindre rapport PMS (CLB) Bilan pour l’enseignement spécialisé avec le QI, le type d’enseignement, le niveau scolaire atteint par l’enfant, et les bilans éventuels du centre de rééducation. |
Sxxx |
If available |
Joindre les protocoles les plus récents d’imagerie médicale, rapports les plus récents orthopédiques… au formulaire |
Gxxxx |
If available |
Joindre un rapport le plus récent du neurologue et un éventuel rapport d’hospitalisation en neurologie au formulaire |
Jxxxx |
If available |
Joindre.rapport du pneumologue (EFR…) au formulaire |
Ixxxx |
If available |
Joindre bilan cardiologique au formulaire |
Hxxx |
If available |
Joindre rapport ophtalmo ( acuité et champs visuel avec corrections optimales) ou rapport ORL avec audiométries avec et sans correction au formulaire |
Exxx |
If available |
Joindre un rapport de l’endocrinologue |
Nxxx |
If available |
Joindre un rapport du néphrologue ou de l’urologue |
Kxxx |
If available |
Joindre un rapport du spécialiste en gastro-enterologie |
Qxxx |
If available and age < 21 |
Joindre dernier bilan du spécialiste |
Other |
If available |
Joindre un rapport du spécialiste |
5.4. Additional Requirements
5.4.1. PDF Requirements
The following rules should be taken into account when rendering the KMEHR to PDF:
All information entered on the form should be available on the PDF
The diagnoses should be sorted on priority, the list of priorities (priorities.xlsx)
Only selected items are visible on the PDF
5.4.2. Form User Interface Requirements
A selectable priority list will be available which indicates the dossier should be handled by priority (example 1)
Their should be a clear indication on which attachments to add according to the selected diagnoses (example 2)
It should be possible to add/remove and select diagnoses (example 3)
It should be possible to add/remove and select points of attention
It should be possible to add/remove and select medication
It should be possible to add/remove and select treatments
It should be possible to add/remove and select parameters
Reeducation location is only visible when the age of the patient < 21j
A diagnose can be marked as work accident
A diagnose can be marked as important
It should be possible to indicate that not all attachments where added
5.5. Examples
5.5.2. KMEHR
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kmehrmessage xmlns:ns2="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#" xmlns="http://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/kmehr/schema/v1" xmlns:ns3="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">41161652401</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">persphysician</cd>
<familyname>Met Alle Rechten</familyname>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">orghospital</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<id S="ID-PATIENT" SV="1.0">20111474115</id>
<id S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="RFI-ID">
<cd S="CD-SEX" SV="1.0">male</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">home</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
<street>Rue de vitesse 1</street>
<cd S="CD-CIVILSTATE" SV="1.0">
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-TRANSACTION" SV="1.0">sumehr</cd>
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">41161652401</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">persphysician</cd>
<familyname>Met Alle Rechten</familyname>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">healthcareelement</cd>
<text L="NL">type II diabetes</text>
<cd S="CD-CLINICAL" SV="1.0">10025768</cd>
<cd S="ICD" SV="10">E11</cd>
<cd S="ICPC" SV="2">T90</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">3</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">healthcareelement</cd>
<text L="NL">hoesten</text>
<cd S="CD-CLINICAL" SV="1.0">10041728</cd>
<cd S="ICD" SV="10">R05</cd>
<cd S="ICPC" SV="2">R05</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">healthcareelement</cd>
<text L="NL">acinuscellever</text>
<cd S="CD-CLINICAL" SV="1.0">10002162</cd>
<cd S="ICD" SV="10">D48.9</cd>
<cd S="ICPC" SV="2">A99</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">inactive</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">12</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">treatment</cd>
<text L="NL">folder mazelen wvvh</text>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">13</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">treatment</cd>
<text L="NL">APO biopsie a.temporalis links</text>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">14</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">treatment</cd>
<text L="NL">kinesitherapie</text>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">15</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">treatment</cd>
<text L="NL">CAT-scan abdomen zonder en met contrast</text>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">inactive</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">8</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-PARAMETER" SV="1.0">sbp</cd>
<cd S="CD-UNIT" SV="1.0">mmhg</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">9</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-PARAMETER" SV="1.0">weight</cd>
<cd S="CD-UNIT" SV="1.0">kg</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">10</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-PARAMETER" SV="1.0">height</cd>
<cd S="CD-UNIT" SV="1.0">cm</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">11</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-PARAMETER" SV="1.0">bmi</cd>
<cd S="CD-UNIT" SV="1.0">kg/m2</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">4</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">adr</cd>
<text L="NL">Amoxicilline Apotex bruistab 20x 1 g</text>
<cd S="CD-ATC" SV="2">J01CA04</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">7</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">familyrisk</cd>
<cd S="CD-CLINICAL" SV="1.0">10056050</cd>
<cd S="ICD" SV="10">M54.5</cd>
<cd S="ICPC" SV="2">L03</cd>
<cd S="CD-CONTACT-PERSON" SV="1.0">daughter</cd>
<text L="NL">lumbago</text>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-TRANSACTION" SV="1.0">note</cd>
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">41161652401</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">persphysician</cd>
<familyname>Met Alle Rechten</familyname>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthissue</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="Follow up notes active diagnosis" SL="EWZC-NOTE" L="en">NOTE-DIAGNOSIS</cd>
<text L="nl">
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthissue</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="followup notes antecedents" SL="EWZC-NOTE" L="en">NOTE-ANTECEDENT</cd>
<text L="nl">
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">3</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthissue</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="followup notes antecedents" SL="EWZC-NOTE" L="en">NOTE-OTHER-TREATMENT</cd>
<text L="nl">
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">4</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthissue</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="general followup notes" SL="EWZC-NOTE" L="en">NOTE-GENERAL</cd>
<text L="nl">
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">5</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthissue</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="general followup notes" SL="EWZC-NOTE" L="en">NOTE-GENERAL</cd>
<text L="nl">
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">6</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthissue</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="Kown in practice since" SL="EWZC-NOTE" L="en">KNOWN-IN-PRACTICE</cd>
<text L="nl">19/02/2016</text>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">7</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.7">healthissue</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" DN="Priority" SL="HCA-NOTE" L="en">PRIORITY</cd>
<text L="nl">Kanker in gevorderd stadium </text>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">8</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="Cancer à un stade avancé">42796001</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">9</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="Soins palliatifs en phase terminale">363676003</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">10</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="Maladie dégénérative à évolution rapide">170969009</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">11</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">parameter</cd>
<cd S="CD-SNOMED" SV="1.0" DN="Problème social sévère">161152002</cd>
<text L="nl">
6. Defense Consultation Protocol
6.1. Overview
6.1.3. Description
This transaction allows the physician, who has an agreement with Belgian Defense, to send a summarized electronic health record (SumEHR) and share information about the services he delivered for military patients.
The information will subsequently be integrated into the military electronic patient record. Ultimately this approach will serve two purposes:
Improve patient safety of military personnel by exchanging important healthcare information, such as allergies, vaccines and medical history.
Reduce the caretaker’s paperwork and facilitate payment for the services delivered.
6.1.4. Owner
Belgium Defense (http://www.mil.be)
6.2. KMEHR
The defense consultation KMEHR is composed out of one transaction : declarationservices. Kmehr level 4 is required for both transactions.
Only exceptions on the KMEHR standard in context for this specific protocol are mentioned.
item type | occurences | description |
sender |
1 |
hcparty elements of the sending healthcare party. A mandatory hcparty element of type application should be added with the software name and version of |
recipient |
1..* |
hcparty element with the receiving healthcare party |
folder.patient |
1 |
Patient identified with INSS |
item type | occurences | description |
declarationservices.author |
1 |
Describes the author of the transaction. This author must be a health care professional. It is usually a general practitioner. |
declarationservices.gmdmanager |
1 |
Specifies the manager of the DMG/GMD |
declarationservices.item.healthcareelement |
0..* |
Specifies either a 'current problem' or a 'relevant passive care element'. |
declarationservices.item.risk |
0..* |
Specifies other risk factors. |
declarationservices.item.vaccine |
0..* |
Specifies an administrated vaccine. |
declarationservices.item.medication |
0..* |
Specifies a patient’s medication. |
declarationservices.item.claim |
0..* |
Specifies on or more claims of the consultation (CD-NIHDI). |
6.3. eHealthbox Message
6.3.2. Addressee
The ehealthbox receiver is fixed : 0308357555-institution
6.3.3. Metadata
The message should be constructed using the following additional metadata :
Description |
the type of the eForm (always MIL-CONSULTATION) |
HC-FunctionalType |
the functional type of the first attachment |
HC-FunctionalType-X |
the functional type of attachment X |
HC-AttachmentFilename |
filename.ext |
the filename of the first attachment |
HC-AttachmentFilename-X |
filename.ext |
the filename of attachment X |
6.3.4. Patient
Add the patient with INSS identifier to the message.
6.3.5. Attachments
This form does not support attachments
6.4. Examples
6.4.1. KMEHR
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kmehrmessage xmlns="http://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/kmehr/schema/v1">
<cd S="CD-STANDARD" SV="1.18">20160901</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">329f472f-69f7-475d-9b9f-c5a4814ef6ac</id>
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">41161652401</id>
<id S="INSS" SV="1.0">79070436460</id>
<id S="LOCAL" SL="AUTHOR-CONTRACT-ID" SV="1.0">MED1234</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">persphysician</cd>
<familyname>Met Alle Rechten</familyname>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
<street>Groenplaats 3</street>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">home</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">phone</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">email</cd>
<id S="LOCAL" SV="1.0">CareConnect 2.92.9</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.6">application</cd>
<name>CareConnect 2.9</name>
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">0308357555</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">persadministrative</cd>
<name>Belgian Defense</name>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<id S="ID-PATIENT" SV="1.0">79070430027</id>
<cd S="CD-SEX" SV="1.0">male</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">home</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
<street>Rue de vitesse 1</street>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-TRANSACTION" SV="1.0">declarationservices</cd>
<cd S="CD-TRANSACTION-TYPE" SV="1.1">declaration-persphysician</cd>
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">41161652401</id>
<id S="INSS" SV="1.0">79070436460</id>
<id S="LOCAL" SL="AUTHOR-CONTRACT-ID" SV="1.0">MED1234</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">persphysician</cd>
<familyname>Met Alle Rechten</familyname>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
<street>Groenplaats 3</street>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">home</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">phone</cd>
<cd S="CD-TELECOM" SV="1.0">email</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">gmdmanager</cd>
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">41161652401</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">persphysician</cd>
<familyname>Met Alle Rechten</familyname>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">101</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">healthcareelement</cd>
<text L="NL">probleem met bril (10000423 / F17 / Z46.0)</text>
<cd S="CD-CLINICAL" SV="1.0">10000423</cd>
<cd S="ICD" SV="10">Z46.0</cd>
<cd S="ICPC" SV="2">F17</cd>
<cd S="CD-LIFECYCLE" SV="1.6">active</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">303</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">risk</cd>
<text L="NL">Aandoeningen door overmatige inspanning van peesscheden, van het weefsel van peesscheden en van inplantingen van spieren en pezen bij de schouwspelartiesten</text>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">405</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">medication</cd>
<text L="NL">Dafalgan bruistabl. (deelb.) Forte 40x 1g (3391273 / Dafalgan bruistabl. (deelb.) Forte 40x 1g)</text>
<intendedcd S="CD-DRUG-CNK" SV="20100701">3391273</intendedcd>
<intendedname>Dafalgan bruistabl. (deelb.) Forte 40x 1g</intendedname>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">406</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">medication</cd>
<text L="NL">paracetamol + codeïne + coffeïne oraal 500 mg + 30 mg + 50 mg (- / -)</text>
<intendedcd S="CD-DRUG-CNK" SV="20100701"/>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">601</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">claim</cd>
<cd S="CD-NIHDI" SV="1.0">101032</cd>
7. Re-Integration Transfer Protocol
7.1. Overview
Within the re-integration project one KMEHR has been defined to define the re-integration record.
The data within this defined KMEHR is used to define multiple structured communication flows.
7.2. KMEHR
7.2.1. Header
Description |
item type |
occurences |
Varia |
Familienaam |
folder.patient.familyname |
1 |
Voornaam |
folder.patient.firstname |
1 |
Adres |
folder.patient.address |
0..1 |
See example :(https://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/kmehr/content/page/39/patient) |
Geboortedatum |
folder.patient.birthdate |
0..1 |
folder.patient.id |
1 |
Taal |
folder.patient.usuallanguage |
0..1 |
Geslacht |
Folder.patient.sex |
0..1 |
Nationaliteit |
folder.patient.nationality |
0..1 |
7.2.2. Request transaction
Description |
item type |
occurences |
Varia |
Aanvrager (Werknemer/ Behandelende arts / Adv.geneesheer / werkgever) |
item.request.content.HCPARTY |
1 |
Describes a requester with a cd item of the codifications described in [RI-actor] local code |
Reden tot aanvraag (Vrije tekst, bv opmerkingen, begeleidende tekst in te vullen door aanvrager) |
item.re-request.content.cd |
1 |
Describes a type of reason of request with a cd item of the codifications "RI-Request-Reason" |
Eventuele oplossing |
item.re-request.content.cd |
0..1 |
Describes a type of reason of request with a cd item of the codifications "RI-Request-Solution" |
Ontvangen op |
item.request.beginmoment |
1 |
Describes the received date of the request |
7.2.3. Dossier transaction
Description |
Item type |
Occurences |
Varia |
KBO nummer werkgever |
item.membership.content.HCPARTY.cd |
1 |
Describes a HCPARTY with a cd item of the codifications described in [RI-actor] local code. Always use "employer" |
Adres werkgever |
item.membership.content.HCPARTY.address |
0..1 |
Naam Werkgever |
item.membership.content.HCPARTY.NAME |
0..1 |
Naam Werkgever |
item.membership.content.HCPARTY.NAME |
0..1 |
KBO nummer preventiedienst |
item.membership.content.HCPARTY.ID |
1 |
Adres preventiedienst |
item.membership.content.HCPARTY.address |
0..1 |
Naam Preventiedienst |
item.membership.content.HCPARTY.cd |
0..1 |
Is intern departement medisch toezicht? |
item.membership.content.cd |
1 |
Startdatum |
item.membership.beginmoment |
1 |
Einddatum |
item.membership.endmoment |
0..1 |
Description |
Item type |
Occurences |
Varia |
Naam |
Item.insurance |
0..1 |
See key elements (https://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/kmehr/content/page/36/key-elements) |
Description |
Item type |
Occurences |
Varia |
Status dossier |
Item.dossierstate.content.cd |
1 |
Describes a state of the RI-dossier with a cd item of the codifications described in [RI-State] local code |
Reden dossier afgesloten |
item.dossierstate.content.cd |
0..1 |
Describes a close reason with a cd item of the codifications "RI-CloseReason" local code |
Description |
Item type |
Occurences |
Varia |
Reden |
item.incapacity |
1 |
Describes a reason for incapacity with a cd item of the codifications "RI-INCAPACITYRESASON" local code |
Van |
item. incapacity.beginmoment |
1 |
Start date of the incapacity |
Tot |
item. incapacity.endmoment |
0..1 |
End date of the incapacity |
Description | Item type | Occurences | Varia |
RIZIV nummer |
item.contactperson.content.HCPARTY.id |
1 |
item with cd-item of the codifications [RI-Treating-Party] |
Familienaam |
item. contacthcparty.content.HCPARTY.familyname |
1 |
item with cd-item of the codifications [RI-Treating-Party] |
Voornaam |
item. contacthcparty.content.HCPARTY.firstname |
1 |
item with cd-item of the codifications [RI-Treating-Party] |
Specialiteit |
item contacthcparty.text |
1 |
Contains speciality of the treating physician |
Toegevoegd op datum |
item. contacthcparty.beginmoment |
1 |
Date when the treating physician is added in the system |
Description | Item type | Occurences | Varia |
Overeengekomen werk |
item.jobcontent.content.text |
1 |
Description | Item type | Occurences | Varia |
Datum |
item.encounter.beginmoment |
1 |
Met |
item. encounter.content.HCPARTY |
1 |
Status |
item. encounter.local.text |
1 |
local cd : "RI-Meeting-State" |
Bemerkingen |
item. encounter |
1 |
local cd : "RI-Meeting-comment" |
Description | Item type | Occurences | Varia |
Akkoordverklaring (Ja/neen) |
item. agreement.content.cd |
1 |
Datum |
item. agreement.beginmoment |
1 |
Description | Item type | Occurences | Varia |
Voorstel |
item.deliberation |
1 |
Values : see "RI-Options" |
Ontvangen op |
item. deliberation.beginmoment |
1 |
item cd : "RI-Deliberation" |
Feedback |
item. deliberation.content.cd |
0..1 |
local cd : "RI-Feedback" |
Description | Item type | Occurences | Varia |
Beslissing |
item.conclusion. |
content.cd |
1 |
local cd : "RI-Decision-Options" |
Modaliteiten |
item. conclusion. content.cd |
0..1 |
local cd : "RI-Modality" |
Motivatie beslissing |
item. conclusion. content.cd |
0..1 |
item cd : "RI-Decision" |
Genomen op |
item. conclusion.beginmoment |
1 |
Description | Item type | Occurences | Varia |
Akkoord |
item. outcome.local.Boolean |
0..1 |
local cd : "RI-Feedback-Agreed" |
Ontangen op |
item. outcome.beginmoment |
1 |
item cd : "RI-Feedback" |
Feedback |
item.outcome. content.cd |
0..1 |
item cd : "RI-Feedback" |
Description | Item type | Occurences | Varia |
Bijkomende informatie |
item. outcome.local.text |
0..1 |
local cd : "RI-additional-info" |
Akkoord |
item. outcome.local.Boolean |
1 |
local cd : "RI-Mutuality-agreed" |
Ontvangen op |
item. outcome.beginmoment |
1 |
Reden niet akkoord |
item. outcome.local.text |
0..1 |
local cd : "RI-Mutuality-Reason" |
Description |
Item type |
Occurences |
Varia |
item. outcome.local.Boolean |
1 |
local cd : "RI-Agreed" |
7.2.4. SUMEHR transacton
Please find more information on https://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/kmehr/content/page/transactions/94/summarised-electronic-healthcare-record-v11
7.2.5. Note transaction
Please find more information on https://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/kmehr/content/page/transactions/105/note
7.2.6. RI-Actor list
Code |
Description |
Value |
treatingphysician |
huisarts |
tekst (RIZIV-nummer) |
employer |
Werknemer |
tekst (KBO-nummer) |
employee |
Werkgever |
tekst (INSZ-nummer) |
companyphysician |
Arbeidsgeneesheer |
tekst (RIZIV-nummer) |
7.2.7. RI-STATE list
Code |
Description |
Value |
RI-State-1 |
Vervolledigen gegevens |
Tekst |
RI-State-2 |
Afronden aanvraag |
Tekst |
RI-State-3 |
Verzamelen gegevens voor beoordeling |
Tekst |
RI-State-4 |
Overleg beoordeling |
Tekst |
RI-State-5 |
Wachten op RI-voorstel |
Tekst |
RI-State-6 |
Feedback voorzien op RI-voorstel |
Tekst |
RI-State-7 |
Feedback RI-voorstel adv. Geneesheer |
Tekst |
RI-State-8 |
Wachten op akkoord van de werknemer |
Tekst |
RI-State-9 |
Dossier afgesloten |
Tekst |
RI-State-10 |
Werknemer heeft beroep ingediend |
Tekst |
7.2.8. RI-CloseReason list
Code | Description | Value |
Werknemer heeft voorstel ondertekend |
Tekst |
Werknemer heeft voorstel niet ondertekend |
Tekst |
Werknemer werkt niet meer bij huidige werkgever |
Tekst |
Medische toestand van de werknemer is verergerd. |
Tekst |
Werknemer is terug beginnen werken. |
Tekst |
Foute invoer |
Tekst |
N.v.t voor arbeidsongeval of beroepsziekte |
Tekst |
7.2.9. RI-Meeting-State list
Code |
Description |
Value |
Afspraak ingepland |
tekst |
Afspraak niet doorgegaan: afwezigheid arts |
tekst |
Afspraak niet doorgegaan: afwezigheid werknemer |
tekst |
7.2.10. RI-OPTIONS List
Code |
Description |
Value |
RI-option-A |
optie A |
tekst |
RI-option-B |
optie B |
tekst |
RI-option-C |
optie C |
tekst |
RI-option-D |
optie D |
tekst |
RI-option-E |
optie E |
tekst |
8. Re-Integration Transfer Protocol For EMD
8.1. Overview
Within the re-integration project one KMEHR has been defined to define the re-integration record.
The data within this defined KMEHR is used to define multiple structured communication flows.
Within the re-integration project a General Practioner can send 3 different types of messages depending on the stage of the worfklow.

1) A re-integration request is send to the occupational physician.
2) More information concerning the patient is send the the occupational physician.
3) The General Practioner provides feedback regarding the proposition that the occupational physician has provided.
So that other stakeholder of the re-integration workflow (mutuality, prevention services) can incorporate the messages correctly we will define beneath the 3 xml’s files (KMEHR-based) that need to be send by a general practioner.
In this section we only define the XML structure that need to be send through an adr message through the eHealthBox.
In addition to the XML/KMEHR message also a pdf is send so that the other party can easily read the content of the file without any technical knowledge.
8.3. Common for all 3 messages
The header and folder are basic KMEHR elements and are the same for the 3 types of messages.
For more information about basic KMEHR please navigate to https://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/kmehr/content/page/45/specifications.
8.3.1. Header
For more information about the header and mandatory fields, please navigate to (https://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/kmehr/content/page/38/header)
The minimal required information for the re-integration project are :
Description |
item type |
occurences |
Varia |
Standard |
header.standard |
1 |
id |
header.id |
1 |
Date |
header.date |
1 |
Time |
header.time |
1 |
Sender |
header.sender |
1 |
Recipient |
header.recipient |
1 |
Example :
<cd S="CD-STANDARD" SV="1.5">20121001</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">a99de341-417b-47da-9ff0-bcfd592caf37</id>
<id SV="1.0" S="ID-HCPARTY">0410064629</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.6">orgprevention</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
<id S="LOCAL" SV="2.6">CareConnect</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">application</cd>
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">00000097</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">persphysician</cd>
8.3.2. Folder
For more information about the folder and mandatory fields, please navigate to (https://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/kmehr/content/page/38/header)
The minimal required information for the re-integration project are :
Description |
item type |
occurences |
Varia |
id |
folder.id |
1 |
Patient |
folder.patient |
1 |
transaction |
folder.transaction.* |
see later |
Example :
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<id S="LOCAL" SV="1.0">79</id>
<id S="ID-PATIENT" SV="1.2">94060428757</id>
<cd S="CD-SEX" SV="1.0">male</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">home</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
see later
8.4. Re-integration Request
The first step is the request that need to be send is a re-integration request.
The header and folder fields are already described above.
In this section we will focus on the content of the transaction for this specific message.
2 types of transaction are defined, one for the request and one that makes the base for the record.
Description |
item type |
occurences |
Varia |
Requestor |
item.request.content.cd |
1 |
Describes a requester with a cd item of the codifications described in [RI-actor] local code |
Reason for request |
item.re-request.content.cd |
1 |
Describes a type of reason of request with a cd item of the codifications "RI-Request-Reason" |
Description |
Item type |
Occurences |
Varia |
CBE number employer |
item.membership.content.HCPARTY.cd |
1 |
Describes a HCPARTY with a cd item of the codifications described in [RI-actor] local code. |
Address employer |
item.membership.content.HCPARTY.address |
0..1 |
Name employer |
item.membership.content.HCPARTY.NAME |
0..1 |
CBE number prevention service |
item.membership.content.HCPARTY.ID |
1 |
Address prevention service |
item.membership.content.HCPARTY.address |
0..1 |
Name prevention service |
item.membership.content.HCPARTY.cd |
0..1 |
Is internal prevention service? |
item.membership.content.cd |
1 |
StartDate |
item.membership.beginmoment |
1 |
EndDate |
item.membership.endmoment |
0..1 |
Example :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kmehrmessage xmlns="http://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/kmehr/schema/v1">
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-TRANSACTION" SV="1.5">request</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM-REINTEGRATION" SV="1.0">request</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="RI-ACTOR">advisingPhysician</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="CD-RIREQUEST">reason</cd>
<text L="nl">Eventueel aangepast werk mogelijk ?</text>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<id S="LOCAL" SV="1.0">sumehr.07f3792a-4c37-4746-81ff-be5f9b0de894</id>
<cd S="CD-TRANSACTION" SV="1.5">dossier</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">membership</cd>
<id SV="1.0" S="ID-HCPARTY">0478895136</id>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="RI-ACTOR">employer</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">other</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">3</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">membership</cd>
<id SV="1.0" S="ID-HCPARTY">0410064629</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.6">orgprevention</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="CD-RIPREVDEPARTTYPE">external</cd>
<cd S="CD-ADDRESS" SV="1.0">work</cd>
<cd S="CD-FED-COUNTRY" SV="1.0">be</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">4</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.2">insurancystatus</cd>
<id S="ID-INSURANCE" SV="1.0">302</id>
8.5. More information concerning the patient
In this section we will focus on the content of the transaction for this specific message.
2 types of transaction are defined, one for the request and one that makes the base for the record.
Currently the following information can be specified in the dataset:
Administrative information : sender, recipient, patient, sending application
Active and passive diagnoses (cd-item→healthcareelement)
Active and passive treatments (cd-item→treatment)
Active and passive medication (cd-item→medication)
Allergy (cd-item→allergy)
For this we use the standard transaction defined by ehealth
<transaction xmlns="http://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/kmehr/schema/v1">
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">101</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">medication</cd>
<text L="nl">Random medicatie 1</text>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">10</id>
<text L="nl">Extra med info</text>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">201</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6"/>
<text L="nl">Random antecedent 1</text>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">20</id>
<text L="nl">Extra ante info</text>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">301</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.6">treatment</cd>
<text L="nl">Random behandeling 1</text>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">30</id>
<text L="nl">Extra behandeling info</text>
8.6. The General Practioner provides feedback
In this section we will focus on the content of the transaction for this specific message.
2 types of transaction are defined, one for the request and one that makes the base for the record.
The general practioner states if he agrees with the proposition he has received from the occupational physician.
Description |
item type |
occurences |
Varia |
code |
item.cd |
1 |
RI-Agreed |
Who has agreed |
item.content |
1 |
see options |
Boolean |
item.content.boolean |
1 |
True/false |
Counter proposition - value |
item.content.local |
see CD-RIOptions |
counter proposition - text |
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">1</id>
<cd S="CD-TRANSACTION" SV="1.5">request</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">membership</cd>
<id SV="1.0" S="ID-HCPARTY">0478895136</id>
<cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="RI-ACTOR">employer</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">3</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.0">membership</cd>
<id SV="1.0" S="ID-HCPARTY">0410064629</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.6">orgprevention</cd>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">4</id>
<cd S="LOCAL" SL="CD-RIOUTCOME" SV="1.0">agreement_treatingphysician</cd>
<cd S="LOCAL" SL="CD-RIOPTIONS" SV="1.0"/>
<text L="nl">Example</text>